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Leaks in public spaces can create numerous health and safety risks for both visitors and staff. These risks not only include slips, trips and falls for the public, it also puts businesses and organisations at risk of liability claims. Leading safety solution SlipStop® has been created to manage risks within hazardous areas. The wide funnel design effectively collects leaks in the SlipStop® Collect bucket that sits discreetly encased within the Slipstop® Cone. The leak is completely and safely absorbed by the SlipStop® Absorb Liner, which is a specially designed and includes a integrated absorbent pad. This means that even if there is accidental contact or a bump, the area will remain safe and free of any spills. The SlipStop® Absorb Liner can be safely and simply removed and replaced in the same way as a regular waste bin. SlipStop® Cone is an innovative design that ensures efficient manual handling as it is stackable, enabling it to be carried quickly to the area needed and simply deployed. Also available: a smaller, flatpack SlipStop® 65 46-023-MED.

SlipStop Cone

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